Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Kick the Devil Out Of Your Marriage


Kick the devil out of your marriage today is a divine word from the Lord God into your marriage. I don't know the situation and conditions of your marriage right now, but I'm ensuring you if only you can key this divine words, the devil is kick out of your marriage and you begin to experience a marital bliss.

First of all, don't view marriage as a contract, if it fails, I will look for another one. Rather marriage is an divine institution established by God, the union between the man and the woman. "He that fine a good wife fines a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord"

Listen to this, a man said "I don't love my wife anymore, feeling of love just isn't there. How can you love when you don't love?" Is your marriage has come to this level?, don't worry, here are the keys to your marital bliss. The devil is kick out completely. How do you think God kicked Satan out of heaven? The force of the word of God. And when he came to the earth Adam should have kicked him out. He had the authority God told him to subdue the earth but he didn't. Then when Jesus showed up he cast the devil out with the word (Matt. 8:16). Jesus came to restore man's authority over the devil. All authority was given to Jesus and he gave his authority to you (Matt. 28:18). So those who believe on him will do the works that he did in his name (with his authority). Casting out evil spirits is a sign that will follow those who believe because through the authority of Jesus all evil spirits have to obey you. All the works of Jesus you do has to be in the name of Jesus. Understand this it's not you that do the works but Jesus doing the work through you (John 14:12-14).

You can kick the devil out the way  Jesus did by using the authority He has given you. Tell the devil its over, enough is enough get out by fire. You have access to the very authority of Jesus Christ. And when Jesus was here there was not one time that the devil failed to do what Jesus commanded him to do. That's the same authority you have over devils by the name of Jesus. It's at the name of Jesus that evil spirits obey. Because the authority of Jesus is in his name. So when you use that name with faith evil spirits obey you just like they obeyed Jesus.

First assignment, can you still remember that particular thing you have seen in her that makes you said to her, "I LOVE, WILL YOU MARRY ME?  What is that thing she seen  in you make her to consented to marry you? Go back to the drawing board.

1. Starting treat her like queen. 'what did you just said' You hear me clearly, just treat her like
Queen. She is the mirror with which you view yourself daily. Nobody will tell you the truth
excerpt her.
2. Buy her presents like flowers, gift card and tell her "I love you from the bottom of my heart"
3. take her out for a romantic weekend, and tell how beautiful she is.
4. Cherished her and tell her how important she is in your life.
5. Listen to her, her opinion sand suggestions even though you may not take all.
6. Pay her attention. All women need attention.,they want to know you care.
7. learn how to feel her and touch her frequently.
8. Notice any changes in her or in the house e.g, if she put on new cloths or bought a new thing in the house.

God Bless You. Save Your marriage
